Cutie Oils

  • €15,95


Goldie - Goldie is happiest at the cottage, where she spends her weekends hiking off the beaten path, boating on the lake, and having life chats by the bonfire. Often chooses colours that will "bring out her tan".

Olivine - Sweet vanilla, warm amber, with a hint of sandalwood and blackberry. Olivine typically arrives just on time with outlandish tea to spill. Often chooses pink or glitter.

Sig - Peachy and sweet, she's here to support your self-care routine no matter where you go.

Candi - New scent

Monica - New scent

Unscented - For the scent sensitive. All the same benefits, without the fragrance! Whatever your reasoning, we've got you covered.

6ml.  Ingredients: coconut oil, macadamia nut oil, meadowfoam oil, jojoba oil, fragrance. For best application, gently massage the product into your cuticles using the doe-foot applicator. This increases blood flow to the area, which increases product absorption.

Made in Canada